quarta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2012

PASSION, LUST, ENLIGHTMENT (1509-1547) Why, oh mighty king why/ THy heart was so lavish?/ What unquencheable lust/ Filled thy soul?/ Six hearts taken/ Six hearts slaved/ Seducted, bloodshed/ Loved,slaughtered,/ The innocent ghost/ Still wander in the tower
GRIEF AND HOPE(1499-1509) The favorite son/ Now is a lost memory/ The younger,eager for ams and fighting/ In poetry takes his part/ To the spanish princess/ A knight of faithful heart
THE BATTLE CROWNING(1485) The curtain falls/ Over Plantagenet Tree/ A maleficent king dethroned/ Pleading for a horse/ A dusted crown finds a new brow/ A fertile soil founds a new plow
THE BEGINNING(1422-1429) The Plantagent Widow/ Has found confort in her grief;/ The Griffon Knight/ As Paladin made/ Brings back the bright/ To eyes that fade


A series of modest poems,about a dynasty that promoted the first real transformation into the current english culture/language, a lineage of kings and queens ruled by passion, power, and deeds;the Red Griffon of Wales spreads its wings over England...